
If you have arranged to see Dr Rahul Khanna as a tele-psychiatry patient, please fill this form before your first appointment.

On the day and time of your confirmed appointment, the online rooms can be accessed using these links:

Dr Rakesh Khanna’s e-rooms


Dr Rahul Khanna’s e-rooms

What is Telepsychiatry?

Tele-psychiatry is the online delivery of psychiatry services using a video-conferencing technology. It is a way of getting specialty services to a broader range of patients and has a number of advantages, allowing people to save on travel time and take less time off work. It has been shown in research studies to often be equivalent in effectiveness to face-to-face consultations although personal preferences vary. The Royal Australia & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists has a helpful leaflet for patients considering tele-psychiatry.

If you require a prescription, we can fax and mail the script to your preferred pharmacy for you to pick up or can send a letter to your GP with our recommendations who can provide the prescription.

Unfortunately at this stage medicare only supports tele-psychiatry services for patients living outside a major city. You can check your eligibility on this government website. If you would like to support changes to medicare to allow these services being available to more people, please consider emailing the MBS taskforce.

What do I need to connect?

We use a flexible web-based system called Coviu that’s compatible with any device with a camera and microphone.

  • on a laptop or Desktop computer, you would typically just use either the Google Chrome or Firefox Web browser and click the link above to connect
  • on iOS (iPhones & iPads): download the Coviu app from the AppStore
  • on Android phones and tablets: either download the Coviu app from the Google Play store or use the Chrome Browser on your phone to click the link above
  • on a laptop or Desktop computer, you can also install the desktop applications for Windows, Mac and Linux from if you prefer not to use those browsers